Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I saw a man fighting with some asians about some sushi or somin, i say go america believe in what you believe in, we are free here, ready to fight ready for justice, id still be fighting if i had my leg, just me and my aussies. i think i'm going to go the bar. I enjoy walking down maple street, even though the fountain doesn't work its very nice, its much better then where i live, my abandon parking lot. the ground seems strange to me today maye its cause i drank a little to much last night, Burnetts has done me wrong once again, even though i am an american hero. Damn, this is a long walk, wait here we are. I miss the smell of this place, the dark damp feeling to it. Even though this place seems so depressing its nice, it makes me feel at home, like i should be here.
“Can i get a black and tan boy”
“thatll be ten dollars.”
“What the hell son, Ten dollars for a black and tan do you know who i am, im an american hero, i am one of your best customers.” the other bums in the bar started looking at me
“times are hard sir, i dont set the prices”
“Fine dammit” i reach into my pocket to feel absalutely nothing, no coins, no ciggerets, no money, no paper, i dont even have any lint. I am broke! i cant look bad in front of these people though i refuse to embarrass myself.
“you know what! I dont want your damn beer!”

Friday, September 3, 2010


MY god damn air conditioner brooke again. its hot hell balls in here, but hey its a cheap sana, its about to get moldy in here, maybe someone will clean it up. its like nam except my feet aint wet. i remember back in the glory days in the film industry i always had a sana in my trailer on set, maybe thats why i live in a trailer now, helps remind me of the good times the sexy times, or i could be because im just dead broke. God damn cockroach!!!! (splat)(john macrackin steps on bug). this place is a shit hole, my shit hole but still a shit hole, i need to go on a walk with my auzzies. HENRY HENRY!!!! (THATS MY FAV AUZZIE) my baby ready for a walk.

i hate the ground and how it looks how it just lets people step all over them, damn look at that fool with all the damn boxes in front of that dump water shed heights, is that a guy with those boxes, well ill be damn it is!!!!!! i wonder what the hell he is doing i might just have to take a looksies tonight. well imma start singing again

That I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. ‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA.

Later that night:
damn thats a shit load of mold, this guy is crazy, and i thought i lived in a shit hole. wait he can take care of my mold well ill just leave him a little leter asking fo him to take my mold

Dear Mold Man,
i gpt lots of mold and such you may like come take a looksy at my sweet trailer in the abandon lot.

Note left on moldy door